Saturday, February 7, 2009

China Bound!

Holy Schamoly! We got our TA today!!! We will be leaving a week earlier than we were originally told! We are leaving on February 26th thru March 11th! Wow...just 3 weeks away! 20 days! OMG! Pressure! We wait for almost 3 years and then get a 3 week notice on travel! I'm not gonna complain however...we want her home ASAP! Seriously, her sad little picture makes a momma want to hold her ALL of the time! So, as I get updates on travel I will be blogging them! Remember to pray for us as we travel...for safety and a quick return with a healthy baby girl! WooHoo!!!


  1. We're almost there! The count down is on!!! Can't wait to meat you in China.
    see ya soon

  2. Congratulations! I am the mom of a Zhangshu girl adopted in 2006. It is the best!I look forward to following your journey.
    Amy Walker, mom of Annalyn Ruobei now four years old!

  3. Your new blog design is Fabulous!!
    Love it!

  4. Hi Rebecca - Your travel dates are very similar to ours. Will you be staying in Nanchang while in Jiangxi? We are. When is your CA? Where will you be staying in Guangzhou? We'll be at the Victory. I'm looking forward to meeting you and your family!

    Beth Snow
