We made it! Through the 3 flights and 3 layovers totaling 27 hours...we made it home in one piece and halfway sane! Taryn did beautifully...she was still smiling when we landed in Lexington. She had a hard time sleeping on the plane, and you can't hardly blame her-we all had a hard time sleeping on the plane! I believe there were 18 babies on the flight going home with families (3 were NOT adopted...). So, you can only imagine the flight itself! For the most part it was calm...long...but calm!
And we are SO VERY HAPPY to be home in America! The first thing we did in the Chicago airport was eat at Chili's! The plane served fish not once but TWICE! Why??? Why is fish served on a plane? It smells the entire plane up and you know, it doesn't travel well! Both flights too and from had fish...I really like fish here in the states...but on a plane??? So, we had gone almost 24 hours without eating...Chili's was Awesome!!!
We have been home one full day now and it still seems surreal. We are, of course, tired and "off schedule"...Taryn never really has established a schedule...but, it is especially hard when you are trying to "turn around" by an entire 12 hours! The boys are "in love" with her...they say she is "better than a puppy..." hehe! She seems to really like them as well. She doesn't cry when they hold her and laughs when they play with her. She is such an "easy going" baby...I have been quiet pleased so far with her "reaction" to new people!
We are now in the process of "cleaning" old baby items: ex...high chair, bouncy seat, etc... It is bringing back sweet memories of when the boys used them! Poor Taryn...she has a car bouncy seat instead of a "princess" one! Oh well...she has older brothers right???
Thank you to everyone who has prayed for us, communicated good wishes to us, stood by us through all of this "drama" and especially thank you to those of you who have said they would bring meals...wow! That helps out more than anyone will ever know...especially with jet lag...I don't really know what time of day it is let alone feel "perky" enough to cook! So, thank you!
I plan on continuing to blog...I don't really know when it will switch to the "family" section...but, probably soon. I just can't believe this part of the adoption is OVER! We received an email from our adoption agency saying something to the effect of "Congratulations it is finished..." I still can't quiet grasp that concept!
I hope everyone has a peaceful night...we will!
Awe I'm so glad you all arrived well. We are missing you already. As much as we were ready to come home, We kinda miss the alone time with baby and friends. Hope everything continues to go well, I'll email you soon to see if you have better tips to get over the jet lag hehehe That's a JOKE! LOL
ReplyDeleteWelcome Home! What a sweet picture with all three kids. Now you can settle into life as a family of 5!