These are the days of my life...we have all been sick, thus the lack of posts recently! Taryn has been the last women standing at our house...and she has fallen to the "cold" we have all had. When our boys were babies and had colds there was OTC medicine we could give them...well, not anymore! I am just sucking her nose out (to the point she might need therapy later in life!) and using a humidifier! Poor thing...not only does she have all of these changes to adapt she can't breath on top of everything else! And, we were just getting into a routine with sleep and wake time too! Oh well, I didn't take off from work to "play" around...but to get her and us settled in to real life.
Speaking of real life. We have started baby foods (as you can see by the picture) and she is defiantly a baby that knows what she likes and doesn't like! She seems to like veggies better than fruit (that was how they ate in China as well!)...she has also learned that it is great fun to blow "raspberries" while eating baby food! We have to duck and cover with most feedings...shower following!
Besides the sleeping issues that continue to plague us...she is making great strides every day! She is now rolling over and bringing Cheerios to her mouth...neither of which she could do last week! She also HATED her bath...until, last week. Now, she is sticking her head under water and coming up laughing! She loves her "Johnny jump up" and exercise car (a remnant from the boys)...the use of her legs is her favorite thing! We have OT sessions every morning and evening! It has been really fun to help her learn and grow to where she should be at 9 months! She has her first Doctors appointment on April 1st...I don't know if she gets shots or not...lets hope NOT! I plan on posting once a week, maybe twice depending on the "excitement level" in our home!
She sure has been a joy to parent...I feel blessed to be her Mommy every day! Just the other day Wesley summed it up best by saying to her "Taryn, we are so lucky to have you!"...and we are!
oh please do! taryn is SO beautiful! i have loved reading about her. i have tried to comment a couple times and not been able to for some reason, so hopefully this works. thanks for praying for kaiya. so happy for you guys!