We have had "drama" at our house lately...not that drama isn't a regular visitor here, because "she" is...but, we have had her visit in the form of injuries. Yes, Wesley has had his first trampoline accident (not at our house says the pediatric nurse mom!). He was, and I quote, "trying to reach the tallest branch on the tree..." when he fell the wrong way and broke his left ankle! We were in the ER until 2am and the the "casting" took two or three hours the next day. So now he is sporting a UK blue cast, a "fancy" boot, and crutches. He is like a rock star in the second grade! The other kids have loved signing his cast and helping him do whatever it is they do in the second grade. Then, to top off the medical fun in our home...our dog Sallie had her ACL repaired today! So, she is now confined to her kennel for 6 weeks and we are looking at 6-8 months recovery time. We have taken a lot of lip about getting our dog's knee fixed...but, she is a member of our family and honestly an AWESOME dog...so, come on people, let us just do what needs to be done with her and move on already!
On a different note, I have to give props to my sister Melissa Corder Forester for helping me re-design my blog! She is a very talented graphic artist and is teaching me new techniques (which really aren't "new", but I am not as swift on the computer!) as well as designing my header! The black and white pic is me as a little girl and the other pic is of our boys...I will have to ask her where the picture of my hubby is as a little boy...hmmmm.
Remember to keep praying for China right now...I am sure everyone is following the news, it is just breaking my heart to see the devastation! I have a friend over there right now picking up her daughter (EmmaLi Rebecca) and they were forced to evacuate their hotel in Beijing due to the effects of the earthquake! It was felt that far away from the site! They are okay however, and will be heading home soon!
Everyone stay safe...and keep your kiddo's off the trampoline! Peace out...
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