We are still here! It has been a NON-STOP day of touring! A day with MANY firsts for us...we saw the Forbidden City, Tian an men Square, The Great Wall, and finally WAL-MART! Everything is SO different I don't even know how to describe it all! Steve hiked to the top of the Great Wall...I made it like a 1/4 of the way...the steps are really uneven and it was NOT like my Elliptical machine! At least, that is the story I am sticking too! The GW was almost indescribable! It was Awesome...and you would really have to see it in person to appreciate the enormity of it!
The Chinese people are super nice and VERY curious! I have been told it doesn't help that I have blond hair...apparently that is a "cool" and unusual thing for them...it has drawn quite a lot of attention! I am now used to being stared at and talked about CONTINUALLY! We have been asked to take pictures with random strangers (by the random stranger!), we have been stopped for students to "practice their English" and we have been "circled" by curious bystanders MANY times today! And there are security soldiers at all times and EVERYWHERE! They are really cool to watch and we were told NOT to take pictures "head on" of them! If we wanted to take pictures of them it had to be from far away...I tried to get a few of the groups we saw! When you see them marching in groups, or standing around guarding places you are reminded that you are in a Communist country.
The culture hear is AMAZING and very interesting...there are 16 million people in Beijing-16 million! People everywhere! And they just walk around you, through you, over you...very fast always trying to get where ever it is they are going! It is kind of like a Chinese New York City! And there are no speeding rules for drivers! SCARY! I would be dead if I had to drive here...I wouldn't last 5 seconds behind the wheel with the Chinese drivers on the same road with me!
The women are beautiful! I really haven't ever been a minority like this and it is a weird feeling! But, as much as they stare at me, I find myself staring at them! The beauty in the Asian faces is really astounding! In other words...our daughter is gonna be one hot chick!
So, the highlights of the day really were not the major wonders of the world that we saw (although those were AMAZINGLY awesome!) ...but, the meal we were served for lunch! Wow...ummmm...hmmmm...I don't really know how to describe it other than interesting! They eat "family" style...everything at the table in the center and you serve yourself from that. Our guide ordered for us...and it was different to say the least! The fish that was put down in front of us...was very large and "alive" looking! The tail of the fish hit all of our plates and glasses when the lazy susan (which is how they eat here!) spun around...it was freaky! And, no, we didn't try it! In fact, we just finished our dinner of Peanut Butter sandwiches here in the room! We ate alot of white rice for lunch!!!
It was also a first for me...I used a "squat pot" for the first time today! The hotel toilets are like our toilets...out in the general public they use "squat pots"...I included a picture for everyone to understand (of the toilet, not me using the toilet!)! It is just like camping...only camping might be a little more sanitary! It is something I have dreaded doing, and it really wasn't that bad! FYI to families that haven't traveled yet-bring your own toilet paper! They don't have it here...except for the hotel room! Another "first" over with!
Tomorrow we fly to Nanchung in the morning and we get Taryn at our hotel (in the lobby no less!) around 4:30 pm! I can't wait! We have been told, however, that the attention we have received will triple when we get our baby! I don't know if it is because there will be two Americans with a Chinese baby...or that there really aren't to many babies out and about! In fact, kids are scarce! I know they are out there, but because of the "one child rule" the adults out number the kids and it is obvious!
Anyway, enjoy the pictures! I had fun taking them! We can't wait to meet Taryn and we can't wait to introduce her to everyone!
Wesley and Garrett...we miss you! What about the funny picture of your Daddy eating the fish!
Two more thing's...no one in our group has access to our email! So, you can contact me with this blog...but, I am NOT getting emails! I will have 5000 of them when I get home! Also, the top two blogs on my blog list are couples that are over here right now as well. One couple (Jem China) are in our travel group and the other (Andy and Susie) are just a cool couple we sat with on the plane that are here adopting with another agency. Just thought those of you who are "waiting" and watching, might want to check those out as well!