So, I went on my annual "Girls Weekend" this past weekend and my sweet friends gave me a surprise shower! I have NEVER had a surprise anything...so it was SO MUCH FUN...and, would it be redundant to say-IT WAS SUCH A SURPRISE! I had no idea! And, I ALWAYS have an idea of something...I am the type that likes to know what is going on at all times in all situations and I usually do...so they really pulled one over on me! These were the same girls who were with me when we were "passed over" for our referral in the beginning of December...so, that made it extra special to share a "happy" moment with them.
There was even a cute little cake with a Chinese baby on it! LOVE IT! They gave me a TON of stuff! I even got a massage out of the deal! I have the greatest friends ever!!! So, I promised them I would give them a "shout out" on the blog so they would forever be "famous" in cyber space!
Here goes: Thank you too...Tina E.; Jonna P. ;Cheryl J (who masterminded it all!); Julie W.;Princess Teresa W.; Kiesha; Virginia W.;Sherrie O.;Diana H.;Regina C.;Sandy T.;Julie C.S.; Janet V.; Cherrie. C; Lynne. L; Trish; Pennie Y.; Lydia; Amy F.;and Michelle H. There were also a few ladies who came that I had never met (cuz' they were there scrap booking with us!) and I wish I new their names...I am already HORRIBLE with names, so I feel bad I can't mention them as well! Also, if I left ANYONE out let me know (and I know you will!), because I was listing names from memory...and my memory is sleep deprived so I might have left you out on accident! However, since I don't really know them they will not be reading this blog anyway!
So, I wanted to share my first shower with everyone and also say THANK YOU to the wonderful friends that I have who love me enough to take me by surprise!