Saturday, February 3, 2007

Short and Sweet

Just curious...does anyone even read this thing??? I feel like I am typing into space sometimes! I guess I kind of am! We DID start this site kind of early...before we knew the Chinese government was going to put a delay on all of the adoptions! I don't even have much to write about. I had just decided I was going to try my best to keep up with this blog the last time I wrote in it!
SO, we actually had a snow today! Big news here in Kentucky! We haven't had an accumulation of snow this warming and all! My boys are both home today on a "snow day", that means they are "bored" continually. What is up with that? I would KILL for a snow day! A day to just hang out with nothing to do! Anyway, that is probably why I am blogging, avoidance of the bored children!
Since the last entry we have had no change in status on our adoption. Kind of boring in itself right now! Just waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting....etc....etc...etc...
Peace out!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

It is about time!

Okay, I am a certified TERRIBLE blogger! This is ridiculous! I can't believe I haven't posted since OCTOBER! That is embarrassing... Anyway, there hasn't been a reason to blog relating to our adoption! Nothing has happened. China has come out with a ton of new "rules" pertaining to who can and can't adopt from their country. Luckily they don't start until May 1, 2006 so they don't pertain to us. It is yet another reminder that we are dealing with a Communist country! "You can't do this...You can do that..." One of the new rules states that your Body Mass Index must be under 40%...Dude, who cares! Obviously if you have a massive amount of orphans without families or homes does it matter if the parents are fat or not! If anything it should be an indication that the child will be fed well! Another rule pertains to mental health in that the parents must be in good physical and mental health and not be on any psych medicine for at least 2 years prior to adopting. Okay, so you can't be large and you can't be on psych meds...correct me if I am wrong, but that rules out half of the American population!!!! Anyway, none of it pertains to us thankfully...unless this wait to get Taryn keeps up and Steve and I continue to eat! Then our BMI may skyrocket or something (just kidding!).
Something positive has come out of our adoption journey, or I would like to take credit for it, but it probably has nothing to do with our adoption! My sister and brother-in-law have decided to adopt from China as well!!!! Yeah, one more sweet little child will have a home! Although, before it is all over with they might fall under the "no psych illness" law since they have 3 other boys living at home! The below pic of Nate is their youngest...they may be a tad "crazy", but who cares...their daughter will have a full, fun family! So, we are excited about that as well!
Anyway, I wish I had more information pertaining to our adoption. Just keep praying for her, she is definitely alive right now. If we were to sit and think about it, that would be hard to deal with! This is where our trust in God and his angels comes in very handy. Anyway, thanks for checking in after our long silence...The above picture is of our sweet "tazmanian devils" on a little "trist" with Steve. Needless to say, Mama loves the four-wheelin' trips!...Peace out....