Thursday, March 23, 2006

Our story...

There is an ancient Chinese belief that says:
"An Invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break..."
This is so appropriate for our period of "waiting" to bring our daughter home.
We started the adoption process in September of 2005 with A Helping Hand Adoption Agency here in Kentucky. However, the idea of adoption started long before this time. It first began as a concept before we were married. We knew we wanted to have biological children, but also thought it would be awesome to help children without families. The concept grew even stronger after the birth of our second son in 2002. It became a real possibility to us in 2004, but we just didn't know how we were going to pay for it! As some of you know, when God lays a task on your heart it is VERY hard to ignore! But, we DID try to ignore it for a good long while! Finally, we KNEW it was time to began the process. We took a HUGE leap of faith doing this, because, of course, the money is not all there! However, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we should do this. We are more certain of this than anything else we have done in our lives.
A lot of people have questioned the choice of "China"... "Why China..." "Do you just want a girl..." "Why not adopt here in the US, (a.k.a. 'one of our own')"
Our answer is simple...We just want to help kids without families! We don't care where they are from! We belief that ANY child in an orphanage situation, regardless of "where" the orphanage is, will ALWAYS need a home, a family, love. There is a "need" everywhere, race was not an issue, a child with no family was. We belief, (and this is TOTALLY a personal belief) that we, as Christians, are called to do this. Be it just financial support, mission support, adopting, whatever-The Lord wants us to take care of widows and orphans (and we like to add, if we could add, the homeless, the hurting, the poor, etc...).
So, here we are! We posted this blog for all of our friends and families to follow us on our personal journey to give Taryn Joy a home. So you all could be a part of what we are doing. We also wanted our sons to be able to follow us while we were in China, so they would know exactly where we are and we could communicate to them!
Thank you to everyone for there prayers, without them this would be SO much harder! Steve and Rebecca

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Please join us!

Family photos...

Steve & I

"Icing the cake" - Wesley, Luke, Flyn (cousins) & Garrett

My boys, Wesley & Garrett